Telegram, a popular messaging app, has recently reached a significant milestone of 950 million active users. The company’s founder, Pavel Durov, shared this news on his channel, expressing a goal to cross the 1 billion mark this year. This rapid growth is exciting, but it also comes with some challenges and ambitious plans for the future.

Impressive Growth and Bold Plans

In March, Telegram had 900 million users; in just a few months, they will reach another 50 million. That’s a lot of new people! Durov mentioned that they aim to be profitable next year, which is important for any business to keep running and growing.

Telegram Reaches 950 Million Users: What's Next for the Messaging Giant?

One of the most exciting announcements is that Telegram plans to launch its app store and an in-app browser with support for web3 pages. Web3 is the new internet generation focusing on decentralized services and blockchain technology. This means more security and control for users, which is a big deal considering how much we rely on the internet.

Entering the Web3 World

Telegram has long been a proponent of cryptocurrency and blockchain. While their initial foray into the field in 2018 was unsuccessful, they have since been making a resurgence. A notable instance is their initiation of username auctions on the TON blockchain in December 2022. Additionally, they have been assisting developers in crafting mini-apps and games that employ cryptocurrency for transactions.

Telegram began distributing ad revenue to channel owners this year, granting them Toncoin, a token on the TON blockchain. Recently, they unveiled a new feature enabling channel owners to convert stars into Ton Coin. This valuable currency can be utilized to obtain ads at reduced prices or exchanged for various cryptocurrencies.

The Dark Side of Growth

Nevertheless, the tremendous power wielded by Telegram and its significant presence in the crypto industry also carries an immense burden of responsibility. Unfortunately, this has attracted fraudulent individuals seeking to exploit the platform. Numerous instances of scams aimed at pilfering Toncoins from users have been reported since November 2023, prompting even cybersecurity firm Kaspersky to issue warnings about these deceptive schemes.

Pavel Durov has recognized this problem and guaranteed users that Telegram is actively taking measures to minimize these fraudulent activities. In line with Instagram’s approach, Telegram intends to exhibit the registration month and primary country for public accounts. Moreover, organizations will have the ability to utilize mini-apps to designate channels, thereby establishing a decentralized marketplace for third-party verification.


Techfocuspro Remarks

Telegram has achieved an incredible milestone with 950 million users, and their upcoming ventures of introducing an app store and backing Web3 pages are thrilling. Nevertheless, it is crucial for them to prioritize user safety and adopt stringent measures to combat scams. Though the progress in Web3 and blockchain technology holds immense potential, establishing and maintaining user trust should be their topmost priority. Telegram must strike a harmonious balance between fostering innovation and bolstering security to guarantee a favorable experience for every user.

The evolution of Telegram and its acceptance of new challenges is truly exciting. If they can effectively incorporate these new features while ensuring user safety, they have the potential to revolutionize online interactions. Let’s closely monitor their progress and remain optimistic about the outcome.

Techfocuspro has previously covered how AI is propelling robot development in China, showcasing how innovations in AI are being leveraged to create more sophisticated and efficient robotic systems. If you want to learn more about how AI influences robot development in China, check out our article on this topic for a deeper understanding.

Some queries now people are searching About.

What is Telegram’s current user count?

With 950 million active users, Telegram is determined to achieve a target of 1 billion users by the end of this year.

What new features is Telegram planning to launch?

Telegram is gearing up to unveil its app store and an in-app browser, aimed at bolstering web3 pages, with a strong emphasis on decentralization and heightened user security.

How is Telegram addressing security concerns related to scams?

Telegram is taking measures to combat scams by introducing new features. These include showing the registration month and principal country for public accounts, as well as allowing organizations to label channels for improved verification.

How does Telegram’s engagement with cryptocurrency work?

Telegram has ventured into the realm of cryptocurrency by conducting username auctions on the TON blockchain, distributing ad revenue to channel owners in Toncoin, and offering tools that enable channel owners to convert stars into Toncoin for advertising acquisitions or trading purposes.

Telegram Reaches 950 Million Users: What’s Next for the Messaging Giant? – Tech Focus Pro